Gulshan Ravi And Samna Abad Chuburji Lahore, Gulshan Ravi And Samna Abad Chuburji Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
A training program where you can learn to find a better job position in Accounts.
Only One to One Classes (Group Consist Only One Student & Teacher)
Purpose :
To Generate Professional and Experience Administrators that can learn under
the management of highly qualified Teachers.
1 Short Course One Month
2 Short Course Two Month
3 Complete Course Three Months
Program :-
> Financial Statements Preparing/Analysis at Expert level.
> From Basic Adjusting / Closing Entries.
> Inventory control/Management (Daily Production Reports and Material Issuance).
> Accounts Receivable/Management (Invoices generation / documents Inspection) .
> Accounts Payable/Management (Purchases Order,Quoatation,Gate Pass)aging analysis report.
> Banks Management(Reconciliation monthly / Mark Up Calculation).
> LC Management (Opening/Closing procedure ).
> Raw Material Costing ( Issuance/Consumption ).
> Lease Management (Schedule of Vehicle lease).
Excel Mod :
Preparing Reports on Excel
Zeeshan Ameer Siddiqui
Gulshan Ravi And Samna Abad Chuburji Lahore, Gulshan Ravi And Samna Abad Chuburji Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
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